The Singleton 40-Year-Old
Discover Sensorial Maximalism
Inspired by the decadence of this rare single malt and its indulgent layers of flavour reminiscent of dark chocolate and rich plums, neuroscientist Katherine Templar Lewis of Kinda Studios explored a new concept, ‘Sensorial Maximalism’, where our sensorial consciousness can be heightened through the curation of our external environment. This then prepares us for the most superlative tasting experience possible.

Sensorial Maximalism Brought to Life
First brought to life at an immersive gallery experience in Shanghai, featuring the works of three international artists named The Rooms of Maximalism, guests journeyed through rooms delivering precise stimulation for the five senses and beyond, to reach this heightened state of ‘Sensorial Maximalism’, before the very first tastings globally of The Singleton 40-Year-Old.

“Neuroaesthetics tells us how outside influences can heighten our senses and prime them to create the ultimate tasting experience. Through deploying various tactics which affect the five senses and beyond, individuals can achieve this state of Sensorial Maximalism through their pre-tasting ritual. I’ve created a guide below on how individuals can strive for this experience at home.”Katherine Templar Lewis, Kinda Studios
Engaging the Senses
We are surrounded by so many different sounds, colours and scents every day. Each one influences our mood, feelings and even the taste of whatever taste we choose to delight in. Knowing how our senses come together to enhance our taste we can curate our environment creating a multi sensory enhanced taste experience, even if you are in your own home. We have worked with neuroscientists to create the below multi sensory steps to bring to life the deep richness in flavour of The Singleton 40-Year-Old.
Step 1. The Palate Cleanser
It’s time to let go of anything from the world outside. Find yourself somewhere quiet, calm. Close your eyes for a moment so you can focus on your other senses. Feel your feet on the ground as the world outside falls away. And take a deep breath in. And out. Now you are ready to create your perfect serve.
Step 2. The Pour

The shape, touch and weight vessel we drink out of influences our perception of taste.To bring out the velvety rich sensation of The Singleton 40-Year-Old, find your smoothest and heaviest glass to serve it in a glass fit for a taste of this age and depth.
Step 3. The Context
Step 3. The Context
Our brains are fed by multi sensory information from all around us. Setting plays a crucial role in our perception of taste. Looking at each sense, you can ensure you are creating the perfect setting to enhance the taste sensation.
What colours are around you? Depth of colour will add to the feeling of richness and decadence whilst warm colours like red, yellow and orange evoke feelings such as passion and enjoyment whilst also bringing out the sweeter vanilla and fruit. If you want to delve deeper into the world of colour, please explore the bespoke artworks through the button below.
Compositions that layer sound and melodies will increase dopamine production in the brain increasing the feeling of pleasure as you taste. Finding your favourite track is often the best option to enhance your personal experience. However, we would like to sonically guide you with the bespoke composition playing with the moving artwork, which will bring to life the unique flavour and depth of The Singleton 40-Year-Old.
What we feel around us can also add to the taste we perceive. Make sure the temperature around you is warm and comforting. Soft fabrics such as velvets increase feeling states of richness and indulgence and can enhance the taste experience. If you are sitting, we suggest somewhere soft, velvety perhaps, the feel of the material under hand all adds to the taste you are about to experience.
Taste is in part made up from our sense of smell. It is also what leads us to anchor memories so strongly to moments. To bring your sense of smell back to neutral, we suggest that you smell the back of your hand, our own scent is not just familiar but resets our sense of smell, which will be vital to the full experience. Of course if you are wearing perfume, be aware of this, it may alter the taste perception, but in a way that is uniquely yours.

Step 4. The Primer
Our sense of taste is enhanced when we can be fully present, ‘embodied’ - grounded in our bodies. When really connected to our bodies, our five external senses come to the fore.When we slow down and are mindful, we can notice all the complexities and nuances in the taste of The Singleton. It’s time to take another deep breath in. And out. Try doing 3 deep, slow breaths in and out on your own. Close your eyes if you wish to close out any external distractions and step more deeply into your body.
Step 5. The Taste Experience

Finally, we are ready to take our first sip. With the colours, sound, fabric and even the glass we are drinking from all chosen with thought and care, enjoy this sip. Pay attention to the changes and the taste journey, as the deep richness reveals all the nuances of flavour within.Bring your full awareness to the taste, knowing that all your other senses will be contributing to the full experience. What can you taste, what can you feel, what do you think, a true tasting experience goes beyond just the senses.
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